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Articles by phillyclint06

phillyclint06 48 M
12  Articles
Celebrity Mistress   5/5/2010

I don't get it. Why is it so important to hear from the mistress of a celebrity? The only reason someone even caresBe about what they have to say is because they slept with someone famous. So what.

0 Comments, 77 Views, 0 Votes
phillyclint06 48 M
12  Articles
Double Standard   4/26/2010

I've always wondered why there is a double standard when it comes to sex. It's interesting that a man can sleep with as many women or men as they want. That is rarely seen as a negative. If he sleep

0 Comments, 52 Views, 0 Votes
phillyclint06 48 M
12  Articles
Enhancements   1/31/2008

I am tired of hearing about sports stars that use preformance enhancing drugs but I don't think they are the problem. I think that they are part of a bigger problem than steriods in sports. Think fo

0 Comments, 38 Views, 0 Votes
phillyclint06 48 M
12  Articles
It's a doggone shame   8/27/2007

As you can see from my picture, I am a black man. What I don't understand is the amount of support that Michael Vick is getting Let's just face it. He was stupid and wrong. If you are making that

0 Comments, 121 Views, 0 Votes
phillyclint06 48 M
12  Articles
Sex will stop terrorism   7/24/2007

I couldn't believe reading either but sex can stop terrorism. Not more troops in Irag but sex. Alright let me explain. I was in Borders the other day. I saw a headline that caught my eye" 10 outrag

0 Comments, 22 Views, 0 Votes
phillyclint06 48 M
12  Articles
Two truths   7/10/2007

It's incredible how two people can look at the same situation and two totally different perspective. I just had it out with my soon to be ex wife. In her mind, her truth is the only truth that matte

0 Comments, 65 Views, 0 Votes
phillyclint06 48 M
12  Articles
game time   7/10/2007

I love having sex. If i could I would do it a couple times a day. I also love football. Why is it woman who are not into football want to interrupt me watching my favorite team when they are on. I

0 Comments, 62 Views, 0 Votes
phillyclint06 48 M
12  Articles
Expiration date   7/5/2007

I have been using condoms forever. I never realized that they had expiration dates on them. I wonder if they are still good after that date. Or do they go bad like old milk. I don't want to take th

0 Comments, 56 Views, 0 Votes
phillyclint06 48 M
12  Articles
FOOD PORTIONS   7/5/2007

I was just watching a commercial for Denny's. They were advertising another grand slam meal. This meal is so big it could feed a small African nation and have leftovers. Let's be honest here. Amer

0 Comments, 32 Views, 0 Votes
phillyclint06 48 M
12  Articles
What's the problem   7/3/2007

I guy made a comment the other day that I found interesting. He said that if Hillary Clinton carried the woman's vote she would be president. he said that because there are more woman than men in th

0 Comments, 24 Views, 0 Votes
phillyclint06 48 M
12  Articles
$54 million idiot   6/27/2007

When I heard this sorry, I could only shake my head. Some fool in DC was suing a dry cleaners for $54 Million Dollars because they lost his pants. Give me a break. $54MILLION FOR A PAIR OF PANTS.

0 Comments, 78 Views, 0 Votes
phillyclint06 48 M
12  Articles
taking the fun out of driving   6/26/2007

i love to drive but it seems that there are forces that are making it less fun. The government around here is talking about putting tolls on a number of major roads. In addition, they are putting ca

0 Comments, 9 Views, 0 Votes
phillyclint06 48 M
12  Articles


0 Comments, 54 Views, 0 Votes
phillyclint06 48 M
12  Articles
Everybody wants to be a gangsta   6/24/2007

Maybe I'm just showing my age but why does everyone wnat to be a gangsta. I don't just see it in young black men but in young white and latino also. What are they saying that that the only way to ma

0 Comments, 74 Views, 0 Votes
phillyclint06 48 M
12  Articles
Keep moving   6/23/2007

A few years ago, I weighted a few more pounds than I do now. I had an office job that I did not have to move around a lot. I noticed that my knees started to hurt. The longer that I sat down, the m

0 Comments, 50 Views, 0 Votes
phillyclint06 48 M
12  Articles
Double standard   6/15/2007

Why is there a double standard when it comes to sex in this society? I watch movie after movies where countless number of people are injured or killed but that is acceptable. It's acceptable that is

0 Comments, 10 Views, 0 Votes