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Ships In The Night 1/14/2020 I had an experience that I would like share. I was walking along Main Street in Downtown Salt Lake City, UT on a brisk autumn day. As I passed by Murphys Pub I saw women approaching, walking togethe 0 Comments, 6 Views, 0 Votes | |
Passion 1/14/2020 I breathe in ash and spit out the coals, From the flame that incinerates my soul, I sometimes wake and feel your presence, But your loss reminds me still, If hollowed hearts still beat the same, Then 0 Comments, 14 Views, 0 Votes | |
Sapphire 1/14/2020 How did it come to this? She thought as she walked into the room. Her life to this point had gone pretty much how she expected it to be and yet still there was a sense of regret and longing for a life 0 Comments, 829 Views, 0 Votes |