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Articles by JoshRook7

JoshRook7 28 M
4  Articles
"Guys Only Do That In Movies"   2/12/2019

I'm 19 , and bussing over to my (now ex)girlfriend's house late at night to surprise her. I text her that I'm outside. She looks out her bedroom window. She's thrilled to see me, but

0 Comments, 498 Views, 0 Votes
JoshRook7 28 M
4  Articles
"Guys Only Do That In Movies"   1/23/2019

[EDIT: I wrote this one up really quickly, but people seemed to want a lot more detail, so I here's the long, X-rated version.] 19 , and bussing over to my (now ex)girlfriend's house lat

0 Comments, 1060 Views, 0 Votes
JoshRook7 28 M
4  Articles
Deal-Breakers   1/23/2019

Ever see a couple get divorced because one of them didn't want and the other did? <br><br> I've never understood how people can have deal-breakers like that and not discuss them

0 Comments, 15 Views, 0 Votes
JoshRook7 28 M
4  Articles
Saying No Half-Way   1/23/2019

It really needs to be understood that just because you said "yes" to sex, doesn't mean you're obligated to continue. <br><br> People get uncomfortable. They have second-t

0 Comments, 36 Views, 0 Votes