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Articles by RedBubba_1981

RedBubba_1981 42 M
5  Articles
Rebuliding   6/16/2019

How would you go about rebuilding a friendsjip after you caught them lying to and About you

0 Comments, 4 Views, 0 Votes
RedBubba_1981 42 M
5  Articles
Yup   6/14/2019

Jusy doing this for pounts is all. How you doin

0 Comments, 7 Views, 0 Votes
RedBubba_1981 42 M
5  Articles
Lies   6/12/2019

How csn you expect people to trust you when you get cauggt in a lie

0 Comments, 53 Views, 0 Votes
RedBubba_1981 42 M
5  Articles
Help   6/10/2019

Whats best way to get more points kn here

0 Comments, 38 Views, 0 Votes
RedBubba_1981 42 M
5  Articles
Bad experience   6/8/2019

Anyone ever been on blind date then excuse yourself to restroom to leave restaurant

0 Comments, 23 Views, 0 Votes