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Articles by Helenadetroy

Helenadetroy 47 F
3  Articles
I am breaking up   1/28/2016

with AF. Many times I have come here to seek refuge from the pain of breaking up with someone. Heathen_ G described me to the T in my own post "Dangerous, sensuous, hot, moody, firecrackers" I wear my

0 Comments, 28 Views, 0 Votes
Helenadetroy 47 F
3  Articles
Gracious FWB   1/25/2016

Today I got together with a guy I met a few months ago. He is single and does not have a girlfriend and he comes here to find whatever. He is educated and has a good job, good house, good car. He swea

0 Comments, 128 Views, 0 Votes
Helenadetroy 47 F
3  Articles
Running away   1/23/2016

So I was just minding my own business, not looking for friends. Barely interacting on the site. I have managed to stay away from the site for a few days even, stopped chatting almost too. Have to say

0 Comments, 52 Views, 0 Votes