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Articles by sweetboi1234

sweetboi1234 28 M
10  Articles
foundation   9/4/2014

Building relationship r hard expecially wen d partna is complicated in a good healtyh relationship there must b trust respect understanding consideration now one party does say dey being neglected som

0 Comments, 78 Views, 0 Votes
sweetboi1234 28 M
10  Articles
life   9/4/2014

Life has it ups n downs most ppl r dey with u wen u living d high life wen u r down dey r all gone please peeps know ur frens from foes next thing life is bout patience plz don't rush down life move i

0 Comments, 9 Views, 0 Votes
sweetboi1234 28 M
10  Articles
health   9/4/2014

Yes guy u have to take care of urself make sure u take ur vitamins clean out ur selves excersise take ur protein and stay healtyh

0 Comments, 20 Views, 0 Votes
sweetboi1234 28 M
10  Articles
avoid shit   9/4/2014

Sometimes u just have to say no wat is for u is for u don't rush life avoid unexpected stuff in like avoid say no

0 Comments, 28 Views, 0 Votes
sweetboi1234 28 M
10  Articles
passionate sex   9/4/2014

K my secrets to sex is sex appeal teasing ur partna being passionate doing it like u r in a trance being open minded d way u do it b creative loving sensual take ur time get to know ur partna

0 Comments, 28 Views, 0 Votes
sweetboi1234 28 M
10  Articles
facts   9/4/2014

K wen dating questions come to hand wat r u looking for, do u think d individual wants to date u, wat r ur tricks in dating wat r some places u go on a date

0 Comments, 47 Views, 0 Votes
sweetboi1234 28 M
10  Articles
knowing your partners   9/4/2014

K u have to have frens u no an trust it's not a easy decision to make but I have to know wat u doing its fun to share Dats d excitement bout it

0 Comments, 87 Views, 0 Votes
sweetboi1234 28 M
10  Articles
sadness   9/4/2014

Breaking up does b hard but most times it's for d betterment some ppl have to b strong and have patience better b by ur self dan with someone stressing u out I correct guys

0 Comments, 35 Views, 0 Votes
sweetboi1234 28 M
10  Articles
anxious   9/4/2014

First dates r like a job interview u dress to impress u always want to b on top if ur game u b nervous trying to make d best impressions on ur date

0 Comments, 63 Views, 0 Votes
sweetboi1234 28 M
10  Articles
protection first   9/4/2014

Partners have to honest and should know ur partner action if u wah do raw go get tested or gloves up ppl b safe always use ur protection

0 Comments, 42 Views, 0 Votes