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Articles by rm_lloyd05

rm_lloyd05 50 M
2  Articles
Little help with writing..   12/23/2004

Now that me and the wife have went to a different level with our lovemaking I would like to write her some erotic stories/poems..Any tips from more experienced people?

0 Comments, 111 Views, 0 Votes
rm_lloyd05 50 M
2  Articles
Finally   12/23/2004

Well my wife finally did it. I have always wanted her to be with another man, either with me or alone. My wife used to tell me no whenever I brought it up so I never thought it would happen. For x-

0 Comments, 2251 Views, 0 Votes
rm_lloyd05 50 M
2  Articles
WE agree   12/23/2004

After much discussion with my wife we agreed on some guidelines if our "Date" ever happened, they seem like words to live by...Did we miss anything? 1. Meet in a public place. 2. Always wear wha

0 Comments, 350 Views, 0 Votes
rm_lloyd05 50 M
2  Articles
Good breakup?   12/23/2004

Anybody ever have a good breakup? I dated a girl through highschool and four years of college..Totally in love the entire time we even got engaged our senior year of college. When she came home we

0 Comments, 47 Views, 0 Votes
rm_lloyd05 50 M
2  Articles
Secret Lives??   12/22/2004

It really blows my mins how many people in our community I have found on sites like this. I know several people (Me included) who are upstanding members of the community with , home, public jobs et

0 Comments, 747 Views, 0 Votes
rm_lloyd05 50 M
2  Articles
I just don't know...   12/1/2004

I have been with my wife for over twelve years now. Married for 5, two , house, etc..Our sex life is dead in the water. I have been hinting for the last two or three years that I would love to see

0 Comments, 172 Views, 0 Votes