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Articles by BigKingRufus

BigKingRufus 66 M
3  Articles
Sincerity   4/25/2012

How to prove that I am sincere. That is the question. Here is a link to my profile: Because I am am unemployed construction superintendent with a disabled wife

0 Comments, 51 Views, 0 Votes
BigKingRufus 66 M
3  Articles
What is the definition   4/24/2012

I am not new to the sex scene, but for yours this has bothered me. I know that TS is transexual, and TG is Transgender, TV is transvestite, and CD is Crossdresser, but can anyone tell me what the dif

0 Comments, 163 Views, 0 Votes
BigKingRufus 66 M
3  Articles
Chat Groups   4/21/2012

I have been a member now for 6 months, and I can't understand why the chat groups are so dead. Some of them have no new posts in over a year. Am I missing something. As members, is there something

0 Comments, 22 Views, 0 Votes
BigKingRufus 66 M
3  Articles
Unsympathetic Support Staff   4/18/2012

I am a standard user, and have been building my points up the right way, by being involved with the community, uploading pictures and videos, and getting verified. I finally reached the 2200 point ma

0 Comments, 152 Views, 0 Votes
BigKingRufus 66 M
3  Articles
Sex after Pregnancy   4/7/2012

My wife delivered our first at the age of 32, and the 2nd one at age 34. The first delivery was natural, the 2nd one by C section which included a full hysterectomy. Here is my question. Have any

0 Comments, 69 Views, 0 Votes