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Network Mebius International

This group is only for genuine couples. We sometimes hold the party only for genuine couples. Genuine couples in our standard are married couples and the couples who have possibility of marriage. This concept is very important for this group or party.

Because the thing that we want isn't only SEX. Also we want to respect status of husbands or wives. For example each wives who are swingers aren't call girls. It is same as even swingers.

And there are some risks in swingers lifestyle. But almost swingers forget some risks in swingers lifestyle. We think safety measures against risks are easy for genuine couples than other swingers. Of course we understand even only genuine couples aren't perfect safety. But we believe the party of only genuine couples is better than others to keep safety.

We recommend to make limitation as everybody must protect each other in swingers lifestyle. Anyway we wish members select partner to keep each safety when members enjoy group SEX with others.

条件: woman 又は、 couple (man/woman) between 23 and 51 seeking woman 又は、 couple (man/woman)

Syarakumebius 59男/53女

SEXFinder.com に登録したメンバーだけがグループに参加できます。 ここ をクリックして登録しましょう。

Network Mebius Internationalのトピック

このグループには、まだ議論がありません。 議題を投稿するには、このエリアのグループメンバーでなければなりません。

このグループとリンクするには、(Network Mebius International) あなたのメッセージに [group 152967] を含んで下さい。